
2018年10月12日—JustnoticedafterclosingAcestreamaprocesscalledwinecontinuestoruninthebackground.Whydoesthisprocesscontinuetorun?,2014年1月30日—DearAceStreamIhavetriedmanydifferentemulatorsonMac(Wine,Winebottler,WineSkin,MicroXP)etctomakeAceStreamrunonMacOS.,2015年12月19日—ItworksgreatonWindows.OnaMac,I'veusedaVMwarevirtualmachinetorunit.Butthere'sanotherway:usingWinetorunitinsideMacOS ...,Playa...

Acestream for mac and a program called wine

2018年10月12日 — Just noticed after closing Acestream a process called wine continues to run in the background. Why does this process continue to run?

AceStream for MacBook Pro (Mac OS)

2014年1月30日 — Dear AceStream I have tried many different emulators on Mac (Wine, Winebottler, WineSkin, MicroXP) etc to make AceStream run on Mac OS.

AceStream on Mac OS X, first attempt

2015年12月19日 — It works great on Windows. On a Mac, I've used a VMware virtual machine to run it. But there's another way: using Wine to run it inside Mac OS ...


Play an Ace Stream or Magnet in any media player by pasting the URL in the Ace Link menu, or open an acestream or magnet link in Ace Link. Download for macOS.

Download Acestream for Mac, to watch live streams

2018年6月23日 — Thanks to Reddit user /u/GreatBusinessman, we have a nicely built Wine bottle of Acestream, ready to download. Grab it here: /acestream-download.


2018年7月26日 — 我想用macbook睇波但見到好多人推薦既soda player 係木馬程式想問有無其他方法可以用到acestream?(有裝sopcast但好似無乜link直播到)

Solution for a Clean Installation of Acestreams on Mac OSX

2019年2月11日 — But that one is just acestream player wrapped in wine. It would be clunky to play in video on it. At least, running acestream server on ...


2018年6月13日 — 使用方法很簡單,打開Soda Player,貼上連結即可。 首次開啟AceStream 連結時會要求下載一些組件安裝,應該是Wine 及AceStream 的本體,所以便讓它 ...